At State Solar Reviews, we use extensive research and customer feedback to offer honest, useful reviews that help you find the best solar option for your needs.

State Solar Reviews Commitment to Excellence

At State Solar Reviews, we are dedicated to providing accurate and reliable information to our audience. We understand the importance of utilizing a variety of sources including awards, recognition, customer reviews, outside research and our own independent research to assess the performance and reputation of solar companies. Our team meticulously gathers and evaluates customer reviews, ensuring their accuracy before using them to rate a company and make recommendations. In addition to our comprehensive review process we use multiple data points to access a solar installer before making a recommendation.

Important Factors to Consider When Going Solar and Choosing a Solar Installer

  • When making the decision to go solar, several important factors should be considered. Firstly, evaluate your current energy usage and assess your property's solar potential. Factors such as available roof space, orientation, and shading can impact the feasibility of solar installation.

  • Financial considerations are also crucial. Look into available incentives, tax credits, and financing options to make an informed decision about the financial implications of going solar. Additionally, consider the long-term savings and return on investment that solar energy can offer.

  • Choosing the right solar installer is equally vital. Research the reputation, experience, and track record of potential solar companies. Look for certifications, such as NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners), as indicators of quality and expertise. Customer reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights into the reliability and customer service of a solar installer.

  • Lastly, consider the quality of equipment and warranties offered by the solar installer. Opt for reputable solar panels, inverters, and other components that can ensure the long-term performance and reliability of your solar energy system.
    By carefully evaluating these factors and selecting a reputable and experienced solar installer, individuals can make informed decisions about going solar and enjoy the benefits of sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions.

The Good News is State Solar Reviews Has Done The Work For You!

Although each home is unique and each customer is unique, we have done the research and will provide our recommendations. In order to get more information about specific qualifications, incentives, tax credits, and savings choose a solar installer and schedule a solar consultation. If you have any questions or concerns we are here to provide our support.

The 4 important factors to consider when deciding if solar is right for you

Does your home qualify for solar?

  • Most everyone likes the idea of going solar, doing their part to save the environment, and saving money. Unfortunately, for some solar just doesn’t make sense. Every home is different and some homes don’t qualify for solar.

    Many factors go into determining if your home qualifies for solar but it’s actually pretty simple. Does your home produce enough sunlight and sun hours to produce usable energy for your home or business.

    Solar Professionals use the latest technology to make this determination based on the following factors:

    • Arrays : Arrays are the plains in which solar will be installed, either on your roof or the space on the ground you wish to install solar.

    • Array Direction (N, S, E, W) Array direction will determine if the sun passes over the array in order for solar panels to generate an acceptable amount of electricity.

    • Azimuth: Azimuth is a measurement solar professionals use. It is a horizontal measurement that determines the angle your array is relative to the sun. This helps determine the amount of sunlight and sun hours your array will recieve.

    • Tilt: Tilt is realitive to the pitch of your roof and how solar is installed. The tilt also determines the amount of direct sunlight and sun hours your array will receive.

    • Shading: While some shading is acceptable it is optimal to install solar panels in areas that get little to no shading. If your array has an unacceptable amount of shading installers may be willing to remove trees or you may not qualify for solar. This can only be determined with a solar design.

    Solar professionals will use the latest technology, produce a satellite view of your home, calculate the factors above and determine how many kW hours of electricity solar panels will produce for you. With the advancements in technology solar professionals are able to present very accurate numbers and can immediately determine if your home qualifies or not.

    All installers we recommend will provide a free in person or virtual solar consultation.

  • Saving money can also be a qualifier for most home and business owners. Once your home is qualified a solar professional will have an accurate production amount for each month of the year.

    Your homes solar production is then compared to your monthly usage and your savings can be calculated.

    If your home qualifies for solar there is a very good probability you WILL SAVE MONEY!

    For more information on solar savings see our incentives and saving money tabs.

Will going solar save you money?

  • Going solar can save you money in several ways:

    1. Reduced Energy Bills: Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, significantly reducing your dependence on traditional grid power. This translates into lower monthly energy bills, saving you money in the long run. Customers can get some, a majority, or in a lot of cases ALL of their power from solar.

    2. Government Incentives: Many governments offer incentives, tax credits, or rebates to encourage solar adoption. Taking advantage of these programs can significantly offset the upfront costs of installing solar panels.

    3. Increased Property Value: Solar installations can increase the resale value of your property. Potential homebuyers often see solar panels as a desirable feature, making your property more attractive and potentially fetching a higher price.

    4. Net Metering: In some areas, excess energy generated by your solar panels can be fed back into the grid. Through net metering programs, you can earn credits or receive compensation for the surplus energy, further contributing to savings.

    5. Energy Independence: By generating your own clean energy, you become less reliant on external energy sources and shield yourself from potential future energy price hikes. This long-term stability can result in significant savings over the years. Over the last year power rates have increased as much as 51%. Imagine locking in your automobile gas prices 20 years ago. By going solar you lock in a rate and avoid escalation.

    6. Decreased Maintenance Costs: Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance. With fewer moving parts and technological advancements, maintenance costs are low compared to traditional energy sources, contributing to overall cost savings.

    In summary, going solar not only reduces your environmental impact but also provides tangible financial benefits through lower energy bills, incentives, increased property value, and avoiding the ever increasing power rates.

  • Most solar consumers elect to apply tax credits and other incentives to the cost of the solar installation. However, the incentives are yours to keep and some consumers will elect to use the money for things such as:

    • Home remodels and upgrades

    • Removing high monthly bills and debt such as paying off a vehicle

    • Going on a much needed vacation!

    The solar installers we recommend will show you the cost of solar with and without applying your ITC tax credit. It

Federal, State, and Local Incentives.

  • The federal government has created an incentive to urge people to produce and use green energy. This incentive includes a ITC tax credit for commercial and residential customers who install solar panels on their property.

    The ITC tax credit is a 30% (of the total cost of the system) tax credit applicable the year the system is installed.

    The fine print….

    • The tax credit can only be used if you have taxable income.

    • If your tax credit is higher than your tax liability you can break the credit up over 5 years.

    • You must file under tax section (25D) when you file you taxes.

    • You will get a dollar for dollar tax credit against your tax liability when you file your taxes in for the year your system was installed.

    • You must fill out form 5695 when you file your taxes. Please let your tax advisor know you have had a solar system installed.

    This gives customers with taxable income 30% off the cost of going solar! Your solar installer will provide a signed installation agreement for proof of installation.

    *We are not tax advisors. Please contact a tax professional if you have a concern that you might not qualify for a ITC tax credit.

  • Delaware State Specific Incentives

    Delaware provides an incentive called SREC’s. SREC’s are Solar Renewable Energy Credits and were established to urge delaware residents and business’ to go solar.

    SREC Delaware was established in 2012 to purchase SRECs from homeowners, farmers, businesses, and others who install solar. SRECs are purchased by the Power companies so they can meet state mandated renewable energy goals.

    The price or value of an SREC fluctuates as it is on a “Bid System” in Delaware.

  • Utility Specific Incentives are incentives offered by specific utility companies such as DelMarva.

    Although there are no statewide solar rebates in Delaware, a few different Delaware utility companies are doing their part to help reduce your solar costs.

    Delmarva Power pays up to $6,000 to Delmarva power customers for installing solar. You can receive $0.70 per watt for the size of your solar system.

    The Newark Utilities Department offers a rebate of $0.50 per watt for solar installations, and the City of Wilmington offers a rebate of $0.75 per watt. Delaware Power and Light also has a few programs that provide benefits.

    Delaware Electric Cooperative supports solar energy by providing grants to Delaware residents. These solar systems must be installed by qualified solar panel installation companies to be eligible. DEC customers can also receive a $0.50 per watt rebate up to a 5kW solar system and +$0.20 per watt for systems larger than 5kW.

    These rebates can add up to significant savings and will reduce the cost for you to go solar!

Roof age and condition or space for ground a ground mount system.

  • The age and condition of your roof matter when going solar for several reasons:

    1. Installation Compatibility: A roof in good condition ensures a stable and secure foundation for solar panel installation. It is important to have a roof that can support the additional weight of solar panels and withstand the installation process.

    2. Long-Term Performance: Solar panels are designed to last for several decades. Installing them on a roof that is already aged or in poor condition may lead to complications over time. Ensuring a sound roofing structure helps maintain the longevity and performance of your solar investment. In turn solar panels will also protect your roof by adding an additional layer of protection from the elements.

    3. Avoiding Future Repairs: If your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan or requires repairs, it is advisable to address these issues before installing solar panels. Once solar panels are in place, accessing and repairing the roof becomes more complex and may incur additional costs. As part of the solar consulatation your solar professional will assess your roof and many solar installers also provide affordable roofing options.

    These options can often come at a lower cost than just getting a roof replacement because they will reduce the cost to earn your solar business.

    4. Optimizing Energy Production: Solar panels need proper orientation and tilt for optimal energy production. A well-maintained roof allows for the ideal placement and alignment of solar panels, maximizing their exposure to sunlight and overall efficiency. Ground mount systems are a viable option if your roof doesn’t qualify for solar.

    5. Protecting Your Investment: Installing solar panels is a significant investment, and ensuring the roof's integrity is crucial to protect that investment. A well-maintained roof minimizes the risk of leaks or damage that could compromise the effectiveness of both the solar panels and the roof itself.

    As part of the solar consultation your solar professional should assess the age and condition of your roof. If needed, address any necessary repairs or replacements to ensure a seamless and efficient solar panel installation. This proactive approach helps you make the most of your solar investment and ensures long-term benefits.

  • Ground mount solar systems for residential customers offer an alternative to traditional rooftop installations, providing flexibility and efficiency. In a ground mount system:

    1. Location: Solar panels are installed on the ground rather than on the roof of a home. This allows for strategic placement in areas with optimal sunlight exposure, independent of roof orientation.

    2. Space Utilization: Ground mount systems are ideal for homes with ample outdoor space. They are particularly beneficial for larger properties or those with landscaping challenges that may limit rooftop solar options.

    3. Optimal Sun Exposure: Ground mount systems can be positioned to capture sunlight more efficiently throughout the day. This flexibility in orientation ensures that panels receive maximum sunlight exposure, potentially increasing overall energy production.

    4. Ease of Maintenance: Ground-mounted panels are generally easier to access for maintenance and cleaning compared to rooftop installations. This accessibility can contribute to the longevity and efficiency of the solar system.

    5. Aesthetic Considerations: Some homeowners prefer ground mount systems for aesthetic reasons, as they may find roof-mounted panels less visually appealing. Ground mounts can be integrated into landscaping or designed to complement the overall look of the property.

    6. Roof Suitability: Ground mount systems are a viable option for homeowners with roofs that are unsuitable for solar panel installation due to age, condition, or structural issues. This provides an alternative for those seeking solar solutions without roof constraints.

    7. Customization: Ground mount systems offer flexibility in terms of array size and configuration. This customization allows homeowners to design a solar installation tailored to their energy needs and available space.

    While ground mount systems may involve additional upfront costs for materials and labor, they can be a practical and efficient solution for residential customers seeking a solar installation that maximizes energy production and addresses specific property considerations. Consulting with a solar professional can help determine the most suitable solar solution based on individual needs and property characteristics.

Here’s what others have to say about State Solar Reviews

State Solar Reviews


Velocity Energy Solutions

  • Fastest install time in the state

  • 5 - Star Customer Service

  • Offers highest quality modules without an additional charge

  • No pressure sales process

  • Local family owned business focusing on only 3 states

  • Top employer

  • Highest Customer Reviews across all platforms

  • Also provides roofing at the lowest prices we could find.

  • Free Solar Consultation ( In-Home or Virtual )

  • Fully informs customers, accurately, about the incentives and the process to collect incentives.

Brilliant Solar

  • 30-60 day install times

  • 4 - Star Customer Service

  • Offers multiple modules with an additional cost for 400+ watt panels

  • No Pressure Sales Process

  • Larger Corporation focusing on 12+ states.

  • No employer reviews

  • Good Customer Reviews across all platforms

  • Free Solar Consultation ( In-Home or Virtual )

  • Fully informs customers, accurately, about the incentives.

Smarthome + Energy

  • 30-60 + Day Install Times

  • 3 - Star Customer Service

  • Offers one module that meets standards

  • No Pressure Sales Process

  • Small Company focusing on 4 States

  • No employer reviews

  • Good Customer Service Reviews across all platforms

  • Free consultations

  • Fully informs customers, accurately about incentives and the process to collect incentives